One of the main catalysts for climate change in Singapore is the emission of carbon dioxide (CO2) as Singapore was one of the top countries in the 1990’s for total carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. Base on a report by Earthtrends (2003), the primary factors that contribute to carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions came from the excessive use of liquid fuels, mainly the use of petroleum products. Sixty percent of these carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions were generated by electricity and heat production.
The negative impact of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions on our country is visible in many ways. Some of these effects are the warming temperatures and rising sea levels. If the situation is left unaddressed, Singapore will have more problems other than just the rising of temperature and sea level to deal with. Land loss, heat stress and public health impact from resurgence of diseases are just some of the upcoming problems Singapore will face if carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions continue to escalate.
Therefore, it is imperative that Singapore acts now and come up with solutions to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in our country. If our country is steadfast with their preventive measures, we should be able to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and in the process improve the country’s eco-status.
Climate and Atmosphere—Singapore (2003),,
might wanna change "with their prevention measures" to "with their preventive measures".
ack chokechoke** too much CO2
Ok, got it thanks.
Good job, William!
I totally agree Mr. Blackstone..nice job haha
Your nice post help me understand more about environmental problem of Singapore, one of the cleanest countries in Asia. Before reading your post, in my thought, Singapore has nothing serious to do with environment^^
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