Thursday, February 14, 2008

Save the Moon Bears

As forests in the world are being logged, many bears in the world face extinction. In Asia, the Asiatic black bear is one of them. Asiatic Black Bear, a.k.a. Tibetan black bear or Moon Bear is a medium sized, black-colored bear with a distinctive white or cream patch that represents a "V" marking on its chest. The Asiatic black bear can be found in the eastern Asia regions in forested areas like hills and mountainous regions, but it’s facing the threat of extinction due to deforestation, hunting and habitat loss. The World Conservation Union's (IUCN's) has already listed these bears as ‘vulnerable’ under their Red List of Threatened Animals. So is there any way to prevent their impending danger?

Fortunately, it is not a dead end for these animals. Apparently, steps can be taken to prevent them from extinction. For example, the respective government bodies should restrict logging to some areas of the forest regions to protect their natural habitat. Other way of preserving these bears would be to substantially lessen the demand for bear products, and thus reduce hunting and trade. The respective governments could also propose a protected area for these bears to live in.

Therefore, it's not a dead end for the Asiatic black bear as measures can be taken to prevent them from being extinct. If the prevention measures are implemented successfully, I believe that the Asiatic black bears can be saved from extinction.


The World Conservation Union (


Brad Blackstone said...

Excellent paragraph! Good clear problem statement and viable solutions offered.

One language problem: "Therefore, it not a dead end for the Asiatic black bear yet, measures can be taken to prevent them from being extinct."

Think complete clauses!

William Tan said...

Thanks for the comment.
Think i got a good idea what to change. :P

Anonymous said...

is it the water bear?haha...